Thursday, January 1

hey, how u doin?

kalau di Amerika sana (Laknatullah Amerika), myb bahasa LELAKI yang universal untuk start a conversation is " u doin?" load the video i embed, worth it i tell u. plus, he's my fav character in Friends.

tapi kalau di Malaysia ne, bahasa LELAKI universal untuk start conversation is most definitely "hi, apa khabar, sudah makan?"

there's this huge power in asking ppl "sudah makannnn?"
macam dorang tauuuu ja walau perut yg nda lapar trus jadi kosong ne bila di tanya soalan sebegitu
lelaki, have this sense of HUGE power in their hand when they ask girls "sudah makan" or not..
because when girls eventually aswer "belum"
the HUGE sense of power is when dorang rasa they have this POWER to feed us girls and make us satisfied
i think it's the 'hunter' inside every man that made their ego x5 everytime they can feed a girl
(manalah saya tau, saya bini2)

jadi hari ini,
setelah quite a long time i was not asked that magical question,
hari ini,
hari pertama tahun Masihi,
i was asked
"sayang sudah makan?"

jadi kita nek kreta untuk third ride ka ne bos?
sorry ah,
saya yang pandu kreta ne,
and i'm not going ur direction

but that question ah, betul betul di sini hati saya dia kena ne
hey, how u doin?

2 ::ppl think this is useful:::

Rena FR said...

"Sudah makan?"


back to hunt


[JiEy] said...

jgn ko geng,
bkn saya yang kena antar msg new year 3 kali, 3 hari berturut2!!!

tho aku masih dpt morning msg geng.
dulu napa teda?

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