customers can be a pain sometimes. asking for sizes for the exact fabric and material. read: B-O-U-T-I-Q-U-E. means everything here is exclusive. i wouldn't have 5 of the exact things for different sizes.
then after sizes, comes the matter of color. they rummaged through the shop insisting on color such as 'dark turquoise-bluish-greenish' like hello? turquoise is in fact greenish-blueish. and get this, 'merah merah maroon but more like purple'. so where does the 'merah-merah' goes if it's maroon if it's purple? maybe at times they are truly searching for the exact color for their hari raya theme for their family (read:beli lah segulung kain yang sama), but most of the time they tried on kurongs or kebaya or modern jubah and decided (in the fitting room, nonetheless) that they don't want it (after trying like 7 outfits) because the color ain't right. so why tried it on the first place if it's red and u wanted YELLOW? since this is getting more familiar to me, i just make the assumption that they actually baru ternampak the price tag inside the fitting-room when they are trying it on. because when i gave them the yellow instead of red, they still say they need a lighter-darker shade. like WHATEVVVVVVVVVVVVV.
then after the size, came the color, and then come the price issue. some didn't even ask for discount, but some insisted on it. '5 ringgit sajaaaaa?' telan liur saja lah but i have to put up with it. then ada lagi the classic move, the classic of them all. 'nie teda harga offer kah for Hari Raya? atau sekarang hari raya you kasih naik harga pula?'
stupid @$$!! nasib i puasa. sabar saja lah. naik harga konon. u pikir ne kedai jual ayam kah bang sampai kami suka2 naikkan harga?
sabar sajalah......
7 years ago
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