Tuesday, May 6


last night, i stayed up to watch Parlimen Hari Ini since i haven't got the chance to see any LIVE action on tele, so my only hope is to watch the summary at night and online videos at work.

there's a lot of hot issues, and everybody's trying their best to get their chance to speak. but my mind only can say this...'KHAIRY IS SO HOT'

...with the way he puts his left hand on his hips everytime he stands up, the way he projected his questions and point of information...even the way he say 'minta laluan' pun cukup h.o.t!

haha! excuse my random blab, my brain is on vacation i guess..that's why i don't have any educational-take on anything. and if u have to guess, yes...i'm watching his video over & over & over & over again...and again & again & again & again...

0 ::ppl think this is useful:::

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